The following directory comprises a useful compilation of selected websites that focus on everything related to darts. These websites are carefully curated to provide visitors with the best online resources for darts enthusiasts.
- Professional Darts Corporation (PDC): The official website of the Professional Darts Corporation featuring the latest news, tournament information, player profiles, and rules of the game.
- Darts World Magazine: Online magazine with updates, articles, and feature stories about darts around the world.
- UK Darts: A website with in-depth information about UK dart tournaments, news and more.
- Darts Nutz: An active darts community where enthusiasts can connect, discuss, and trade tips about the game.
- Cyber Darts: Contains a ‘Dart Bar’ locator, tournament information, and other resources for dart players.
- Darts501: Gives an overview of the game, its rules, and a directory of darts organizations around the world.
- BDO Darts: The British Darts Organisation’s official site covers all the latest news, events, and rankings in the world of British darts.
- Reddit Darts: An active online community where darts enthusiasts gather to discuss all things related to darts.
- Darts Performance Centre: Offers performance coaching for dart players, plus various resources like blog posts and training exercises.