In 501 darts, each player begins with a score of 501 and takes turns to throw 3 darts. The aim is to reduce the score to exactly zero as quickly as possible. To end the game, the final dart that brings the score to zero must land in either the bullseye or a double segment. If a player reduces the score to 1 or goes below zero, their turn is considered a “bust”, and the score reverts to the score prior to their turn.
Related Questions
1. What happens if a player scores more than what’s required in 501 darts?
If a player scores more than the remaining total in 501 darts, their turn is considered a “bust”. No points are scored for that turn, and the score will return to the total before that turn.
2. What is double out in darts?
Double out in darts means that a player must hit a double to reduce their score to exactly zero and end the game. It is also known as doubling out or check out.
3. How are bullseyes scored in darts?
The outer bullseye scores 25 points, while the inner bullseye scores 50. It is usually counted as a double (D25) for the final throw of a leg.
4. Can a game of 501 darts end in a tie?
In 501 darts, it is not possible for a game to end in a tie. The nature of the game requires one player to reach zero first, thereby winning the game.
5. What does three in a bed mean in darts?
“Three in a bed” is a term in darts that refers to hitting the same segment with all three darts during a single turn. Although it doesn’t hold any special score implications in 501, it still shows a remarkable consistency in throw.